Second Grade Guidance Curriculum
Lessons on Teasing/Bullying
We have recently finished teaching our bullying prevention curriculum in the second grade classrooms. The following is a brief highlight of each lesson:
Lesson one consists of playing tic-tac-toe to review various concepts and terms such as: upstander/bystander. Double D Rule, and the Solution Wheel and how to use them, among others. The whole class is a team and either Mrs. MacKinnon or myself are our own team.
In lesson two the students watch a video of a few vignettes and discuss the solutions they used from the solution wheel.
During lesson three, we read the book "Nobody Knew What to Do" by Becky Ray McCain and Todd Leonardo. The concepts covered are upstanders/bystanders, bullying and it's definitions, as well as what to do if they or someone else is being bullied.
We are currently starting to teach our CAPS program, an eight-week curriculum that teaches conflict resolution. CAPS stands for the four steps needed to solve a problem:
C - cool down
A - agree to solve the problem
P - point of view
S - win-win solutions
During these lessons, various strategies/tools and concepts are taught, including I-feel messages, feelings vocabulary, and reading emotions in body language, among others. The strategies and concepts that are taught in this curriculum can be used in CAPS. For example, the "I-feel" tool can be used during the third step "Point of View".
In November, our goal is to increase the students' feelings vocabulary beyond mad, sad, angry, and excited. Such feelings listed by our students include: disappointed, enraged, annoyed, jealous, frustrated and joyful. In this lesson, we also introduce the Zones of Regulation curriculum by Leah Kuypers. This curriculum assists our students in understanding how the emotions we feel affect the amount of energy we experience. These lessons are a precursor to learning about I-feel messages. As adults, we understand that there is a difference between mad and furious. However, some of our young students do not always understand the difference.
An explanation of the Zones curriculum can be found in our post from November 2016. These concepts will be especially important later in our lessons as we discuss tools they can use to assist them in calming down (the first and most important step in CAPS).
As the students continue with this curriculum, they will learn about the Conflict Escalator and how to effectively "step off" the escalator in order to calmly and peacefully resolve their conflicts.
A full explanation of our CAPS program can be found in our 2 posts from January 2017.
Additional Resources:
Nobody Knew What to Do by Becky Ray McCain and Todd Leonardo. In this story, a young boy finds the courage to stand up to the bullying he sees happening at his school.
The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. This book is a great way to introduce emotional vocabulary. The pictures also depict the body language each feeling imparts.
Feelings charades--without using words, guess what people are feeling using only body language.
Role plays-- role playing is great way to practice using strategies. Examples of role plays: how to create and use I-Feel messages, how to be an upstander, using the Solution Wheel.
Welcome to our Nabnasset School Guidance Blog! We hope that you find valuable information here about our guidance program, including our curriculums and small group services. In addition we will be posting information about a variety of topics which we hope will be useful to our Nabnasset community. Please add comments about other information that you would like to see included in our new blog adventure.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Welcome to our new students and to our Guidance Intern!
New Students Information
At the beginning of this school year Nabnasset School welcomed 22 new students in our Pre-first, First Grade, Second Grade and Multi-age Classroooms!
Our new students met with us for 3 sessions on August 30th, 31st and September 5th. They had the opportunity to meet other new friends, tour the school, share their experiences and feelings of being new to school and participate in some fun activities!
Here are some pictures of the bulletin boards which they helped to create!
September Guidance lessons:
Problem solving and Bullying Prevention:
In addition to welcoming all students to Nabnasset School this month, September is also the time when we visit all the first grade classes, multi-age classes and pre-first for 3 review guidance lessons. Our second grade lessons will begin in October. Below is a description of the concepts which we review in these first 3 lessons.
At the beginning of this school year Nabnasset School welcomed 22 new students in our Pre-first, First Grade, Second Grade and Multi-age Classroooms!
Our new students met with us for 3 sessions on August 30th, 31st and September 5th. They had the opportunity to meet other new friends, tour the school, share their experiences and feelings of being new to school and participate in some fun activities!
Here are some pictures of the bulletin boards which they helped to create!
Welcome to our Guidance Intern...Miss Keele!
In addition to our new students, we welcomed our Guidance Intern for the 2017-18 school year, Miss Shannon Keele. She is currently a graduate student in her final year of her Masters of Education Program in School Counseling at Rivier University. In the winter/spring of 2016 Miss Keele shadowed us and now she has come back to the Nabnasset family! She is also currently working in the mornings at Nabnasset as a Kindergarten Teaching Assistant. As our Guidance Intern, Miss Keele will be running some small groups and some individual sessions, and she will be assisting us in teaching our classroom guidance lessons. In addition, she will be consulting with staff and parents, and she will be meeting with students who may need assistance when they use the guidance pass. We are thrilled to have Miss Keele working with us and we look forward to her new ideas and her expertise!September Guidance lessons:
Problem solving and Bullying Prevention:
In addition to welcoming all students to Nabnasset School this month, September is also the time when we visit all the first grade classes, multi-age classes and pre-first for 3 review guidance lessons. Our second grade lessons will begin in October. Below is a description of the concepts which we review in these first 3 lessons.
- SOLUTION WHEEL: Review/learn how to use 3 solutions before asking for help.
- “DOUBLE D” RULE”: Our guide to help them decide when to tell an adult about a concern (if it is DANGEROUS or DESTRUCTIVE) and when to use the solution wheel.
- ASKING FOR HELP: Student can always ask for help if they are not sure or have tried 3 solutions and the problem is still happening.
Second lesson:
- Focused on defining TEASING and BULLYING and the difference between NORMAL CONFLICT and BULLYING.
- TEASING: a single incident of someone using hurtful words directed at them which they might be able to handle using the solution wheel.
- BULLYING: Hurtful actions or words that are: Repeated; One-sided; unfair…that make you feel: Scared; Alone; Sad; or Unsafe.
- NORMAL CONFLICT: Happens occasionally between people of equal power; involves mutual emotional reactions, remorse and effort to take responsibility to solve the problem. Normal conflict is not serious or emotionally damaging to the other person.
- Students viewed a movie called “Sticks and Stones” which clearly showed the difference between a teasing incident which was solved using several solutions and a bullying incident which was solved by “talking it out” with the principal.
- Review: They can try 2 to 3 solutions for a teasing problem.
- If the problem keeps happening they can report the problem (see ASKING FOR HELP).
- UPSTANDER: We began a discussion about how to be an upstander. The 3 steps they learn are:
- If it is safe, tell the person to stop
- Ask the person being teased to come play
- Get help if the problem is a "Double D" or if it continues.
- Review of differences between teasing and bullying
- Focus on how to be an “UPSTANDER” as opposed to being a “BYSTANDER”. The book entitled Say Something by Peggy Moss is read in first grade/pre-first in order to help the children learn what an upstander is and how to be one. They learned that if they see bullying or teasing going on they can help out by going over to the person who is being teased. They should never fight, but they can tell the person being mean to stop, (if they feel safe), ask the person being teased/bullied to come play, and help them to get help from a grownup.
- The UPSTANDER poem they learned is:
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Parent Resources
As the summer floats by we are taking some time to update our resources! On the left side bar of this blog you will find that we have added links to online resources on a variety of topics. We will continue to develop this topic list during the school year. We hope that you find these resources helpful. Please let us know about any additional topics which you would like us to explore.
As always, one of our favorite blogs for finding particular books on a special topic is called:
Books that heal Kids
As always, one of our favorite blogs for finding particular books on a special topic is called:
Books that heal Kids
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Life Lessons From Playing Games
Life Lessons We Learn From Playing Games
Last month, Beth MacKinnon wrote a blog about one of our guidance classroom lessons: expected behaviors while playing a board game. These behaviors include choosing a color pawn, deciding who goes first, taking turns at the right time and good sportsmanship. There are many skills that children learn during game play that will benefit them not only while playing games, but in life in general. In this post, we will explore these skills and the skills they teach.
Choosing a Pawn Color 
For some children, this is the first obstacle to playing a game. Two people want the same color and neither wants to give. Being able to navigate this first challenge can teach children negotiation skills, flexibility and problem solving. Here are solutions to calling a truce to this problem
Last month, Beth MacKinnon wrote a blog about one of our guidance classroom lessons: expected behaviors while playing a board game. These behaviors include choosing a color pawn, deciding who goes first, taking turns at the right time and good sportsmanship. There are many skills that children learn during game play that will benefit them not only while playing games, but in life in general. In this post, we will explore these skills and the skills they teach.

For some children, this is the first obstacle to playing a game. Two people want the same color and neither wants to give. Being able to navigate this first challenge can teach children negotiation skills, flexibility and problem solving. Here are solutions to calling a truce to this problem
- Roll a die. Whoever gets the highest number, gets the pawn this game and the other player gets the pawn the next game.
- Choose their second favorite color.
- Put all the pawns in an opaque bag. Without looking, each player pulls out a pawn. This is the pawn they will use in the game.
This is another tough hurdle for children to overcome. Everyone likes to go first. There's a reason that there are line leaders in elementary schools. It makes children feel important and special. However, not everyone can go first all the time. Again, in solving this dilemma, children learn negotiation and problem solving skills which they can use in many situations. Here are some tried and tested ways to get the game started:
- Roll the die/spin the spinner/pick a card. Highest number goes first. This is the most popular, easiest, and quickest way to solve this age-old problem.
- Play rock, paper, scissors. If you are unsure or don't remember how to play, click here.
- Go in order by birthday months of the year (rather than age).
- Flip a coin.
Face it, no one likes to lose. Some children seem to handle losing well, brushing off the loss and continuing on with their day. For others, losing a game is hard: they get upset, quit the game, even overturn the board. It all depends on two factors: their frustration tolerance level and how invested they are in the game. Our culture emphasizes winning, and thus, some children view winning, and losing, as being tied in with their self-worth. Losing helps build resiliency in life and strategies to handle defeat. So what is a parent to do? Here are some tips to help:
- Acknowledge that it's okay to be disappointed or frustrated. This validates their feelings and makes them feel heard. It helps them deal with losing and moving on.
- Remind them of why they played in the first place--not to win, but to enjoy their time together.
Will things go smoothly every time they play? No. Will their skills, and how they handle these obstacles improve over time? Yes. Just like when children learn to walk, tie their shoes, or ride their bike without training wheels, it takes time and practice. But remember: The skills and strategies they learn will last a lifetime!
So, are you ready to have a Family Game Night yet? Here are some of the more popular games we find the children like to play when they attend lunch or snack groups. Not only are these games fun, they can also teach additional skills such as math, verbal and social skills and can lead to some interesting discussions:
1. Sorry Sliders--number recognition, addition, eye-hand coordination
2. Don't Wake Daddy-- color/number recognition, counting, handling the unexpected (Disclaimer: Daddy sits up at various times which may be startling to some children)
3. Candyland--color recognition, counting, handling disappointment (when needing to move back spaces or miss a turn)
4. Chutes and Ladders--expected/unexpected behaviors (expected=up the ladder, unexpected=down slide), responsibility, making good choices
5. Kids on Stage (a charades game)--reading body language, critical thinking, planning
6. Uno-number/color recognition, matching, planning ahead, strategizing
For additional resources:
So, are you ready to have a Family Game Night yet? Here are some of the more popular games we find the children like to play when they attend lunch or snack groups. Not only are these games fun, they can also teach additional skills such as math, verbal and social skills and can lead to some interesting discussions:
1. Sorry Sliders--number recognition, addition, eye-hand coordination
2. Don't Wake Daddy-- color/number recognition, counting, handling the unexpected (Disclaimer: Daddy sits up at various times which may be startling to some children)
3. Candyland--color recognition, counting, handling disappointment (when needing to move back spaces or miss a turn)
4. Chutes and Ladders--expected/unexpected behaviors (expected=up the ladder, unexpected=down slide), responsibility, making good choices
5. Kids on Stage (a charades game)--reading body language, critical thinking, planning
6. Uno-number/color recognition, matching, planning ahead, strategizing
For additional resources:
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Social Detectives - Part II
Expected Game Playing and Conversation Skills
During our 4th and 5th guidance lessons with First graders they have been learning about all the steps they need to follow in order to show expected game playing skills and expected conversation skills. Students are amazed as they make a chart which includes many of the steps that go into each of these social activities! Below you will see some examples of responses from their class charts, as well as examples of the checklists they use to be an observant social detective during some actual game playing and conversations.
Game Playing
Students learn that playing a game can be divided into 3 parts: Setting up the game, Playing the game, and Cleaning up the game. They discuss that it is much better to spend the most time on playing the game, while setting up should only take 5 minutes, and cleaning up should be even faster!
Setting up the game:
During our 4th and 5th guidance lessons with First graders they have been learning about all the steps they need to follow in order to show expected game playing skills and expected conversation skills. Students are amazed as they make a chart which includes many of the steps that go into each of these social activities! Below you will see some examples of responses from their class charts, as well as examples of the checklists they use to be an observant social detective during some actual game playing and conversations.
Game Playing
Students learn that playing a game can be divided into 3 parts: Setting up the game, Playing the game, and Cleaning up the game. They discuss that it is much better to spend the most time on playing the game, while setting up should only take 5 minutes, and cleaning up should be even faster!
Setting up the game:
- Ask a friend to play
- Decide which game to play
- Learn how to play if you don't know how
- Decide who goes first (roll a die, flip a coin, rock/paper/scissors)
- Decide who gets each piece (ask nicely, roll a die)
Playing the game:
- Follow the rules
- Take your turn at the right time
- Use nice words
- Have fun
Cleaning up:
- Work together
- Help each other
- Be careful - put away neatly
Once students have made their chart and discussed each step they work in small groups. Then they get to practice all the steps while they play a game! During this activity, if there are 4 students in the group, then 2 students play the game and the other 2 students are detectives (using the detective observation sheet - see below). Half way through the students switch roles so that everyone has a chance to play, and a chance to be a detective.
Conversation Skills
We begin our conversation lesson by watching a quick video by Model Me Kids so that the students can see other children having a conversation. After this video the students make another chart including all the skills they need to use to have an expected conversation. In addition, they make up a list of possible topics and discuss the importance of sticking to a topic for the first part of the conversation. Then they also discuss how a person can change a topic by making a connection. Below is a sample of some of their responses from a few classroom charts.
Expected Conversation Skills
Look at the person
Bodies are facing each other
Listen to each other
Take turns talking and listening
Don't interrupt
Stay on the same topic (topic ideas: sports, movies, food, pets, games, activities, weekend plans, vacations, friends, toys, TV shows, school)
Use a nice tone of voice
Use indoor voice
Ask questions
Answer questions
Ask follow up questions
End the conversation nicely
Once they have finished their chart we have a conversation activity. In small groups (2 to 3 students) they have a conversation for a few minutes with one person selecting the topic. When the chime rings the other student picks a topic and they begin another short conversation. Once they have completed their conversations they use their conversation checklist and decide how they did following the expected behaviors.
Look at the person
Bodies are facing each other
Listen to each other
Take turns talking and listening
Don't interrupt
Stay on the same topic (topic ideas: sports, movies, food, pets, games, activities, weekend plans, vacations, friends, toys, TV shows, school)
Use a nice tone of voice
Use indoor voice
Ask questions
Answer questions
Ask follow up questions
End the conversation nicely
Once they have finished their chart we have a conversation activity. In small groups (2 to 3 students) they have a conversation for a few minutes with one person selecting the topic. When the chime rings the other student picks a topic and they begin another short conversation. Once they have completed their conversations they use their conversation checklist and decide how they did following the expected behaviors.
It is so fun to observe the students putting their social detective skills into practice!
Don't forget to practice these skills at home - whether they are playing a game, or having a conversation, remind them of all the expected skills that they can practice with friends and family!
Some conversation activities and articles to read about conversations and playing games are:
- TABLETOPICS Family: Questions to start great conversations
- Chat Pack Conversation Icebreaker Cards for Kids conversation
- Click here for an article on the Benefits of playing games
- Click here for a great article on the top 10 reasons to play games with kids
- Click here for the top 10 health benefits of board games
Monday, March 6, 2017
Being a Social Detective!
First Grade Classroom Curriculum:
Being A Social Detective
Mrs. MacKinnon and I are currently teaching our First graders the social thinking curriculum based on Michele Garcia Winner's curriculum called, "You are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids".
You may be asking "What is social thinking?" In a nutshell, social thinking is understanding that people around us have thoughts and feelings based on what expected or unexpected behaviors we demonstrate throughout the course of the day. Based on this understanding, the more expected behaviors you use, the more others will want to be with you and develop friendships with you. So, what does this really mean? Let's start with some definitions.
Expected behaviors are the things we do and say that give people good thoughts about us and that also make them feel good. The way you are expected to behave in various social settings can differ, based on whom you are with and where you are. For example, we act differently when we are in library (quiet/whispering voice, calm body, walking feet) than when we are at a barbecue (normal/outside voice, animated body).
Unexpected behaviors, conversely, are things we do and say that give people uncomfortable thoughts about us and that can make them feel unhappy, mad or sad. Again, unexpected behaviors can differ based on whom you are with and where you are. For example, having expected recess behaviors--running, yelling--in a library, would be considered unexpected.
A Social Detective is someone who uses their tools--eyes, ears, and what they know in their brains--to figure out what is happening in a situation and to make a smart guess what will happen next, or what they should do next.
One of the concepts that we have started teaching and talking about in our lessons is called "Thinking With Your Eyes". Thinking with your eyes means that you are using your eyes to look at others, which not only makes them feel good, but it also lets them know that you are thinking about them. In addition, when we "think with our eyes", we can use them, along with our brain, to figure out what is expected or what can happen next.
A game that we play to teach this concept involves using a ball. The class sits in a circle facing each other and are told that they will be able to roll the ball to someone. However, in this game, their voices are off. The only way that they can roll the ball is if they make eye contact with someone across from them. They will need to "use their eyes" to think about a person and then to pass the ball to that person. Some interesting questions come up during this game, such as "What if the person you want to pass it to isn't looking at you?" All of this leads to the discussion of the importance of eye contact and using your eyes to figure out what to do in all situations and places.
Other games that teach the importance of using your eyes for thinking are:
Being A Social Detective
Mrs. MacKinnon and I are currently teaching our First graders the social thinking curriculum based on Michele Garcia Winner's curriculum called, "You are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids".
You may be asking "What is social thinking?" In a nutshell, social thinking is understanding that people around us have thoughts and feelings based on what expected or unexpected behaviors we demonstrate throughout the course of the day. Based on this understanding, the more expected behaviors you use, the more others will want to be with you and develop friendships with you. So, what does this really mean? Let's start with some definitions.
Expected behaviors are the things we do and say that give people good thoughts about us and that also make them feel good. The way you are expected to behave in various social settings can differ, based on whom you are with and where you are. For example, we act differently when we are in library (quiet/whispering voice, calm body, walking feet) than when we are at a barbecue (normal/outside voice, animated body).
Unexpected behaviors, conversely, are things we do and say that give people uncomfortable thoughts about us and that can make them feel unhappy, mad or sad. Again, unexpected behaviors can differ based on whom you are with and where you are. For example, having expected recess behaviors--running, yelling--in a library, would be considered unexpected.
A Social Detective is someone who uses their tools--eyes, ears, and what they know in their brains--to figure out what is happening in a situation and to make a smart guess what will happen next, or what they should do next.
One of the concepts that we have started teaching and talking about in our lessons is called "Thinking With Your Eyes". Thinking with your eyes means that you are using your eyes to look at others, which not only makes them feel good, but it also lets them know that you are thinking about them. In addition, when we "think with our eyes", we can use them, along with our brain, to figure out what is expected or what can happen next.
A game that we play to teach this concept involves using a ball. The class sits in a circle facing each other and are told that they will be able to roll the ball to someone. However, in this game, their voices are off. The only way that they can roll the ball is if they make eye contact with someone across from them. They will need to "use their eyes" to think about a person and then to pass the ball to that person. Some interesting questions come up during this game, such as "What if the person you want to pass it to isn't looking at you?" All of this leads to the discussion of the importance of eye contact and using your eyes to figure out what to do in all situations and places.
Other games that teach the importance of using your eyes for thinking are:
- Guess what I'm looking at?---Look at an item or person in the room and have others guess what they are looking at and thinking about.
- What's my plan?--Pretend that you are going to pick something up, but don't complete the action. Then have the others guess what you are doing and about to do next. Other examples included reaching for crayons/markers, sitting in a chair, or putting a coat on a chair. These examples can lead to discussions on what to do if you see someone reaching for the same crayon or chair that you want and deciding which expected behaviors do you choose to do next.
In the coming lessons, the classes will learn more about smart/wacky guesses as well as the expected behaviors in both game playing and conversations. Stay tuned for our next blog post describing our class activities when learning about these concepts!
Here are some additional links and information about the Social Thinking curriculum:
Friday, January 27, 2017
Conflict Resolution: Part II
After learning about conflicts and how they can escalate on the conflict escalator, 2nd grade and Multi-age students have now been learning how to use the 4 step C.A.P.S. method for Conflict Resolution. Each letter in C.A.P.S. stands for a step that each person needs to perform in order to come down the escalator.
· C = Cool Off. This is the very important first step. Students have practiced many ways to calm down or relax including taking deep breaths, tensing and relaxing muscles (Draining), counting backwards from 15, imagining yourself in a peaceful place, exercising, doing yoga, and talking to yourself about calming down. Students have learned that when their feelings have escalated during a conflict that they are not able to think clearly to solve a problem. If they do not cool off first, then they may just go right back up the escalator when they try to solve the problem. Another chart to remind students of their cooling off strategies is to look at the Zones Strategies chart.
· Once they have cooled off, the second step is to A = Agree to work out the problem. It is important for everyone involved in the conflict to be calm and ready to work it out. Students learned that if someone is not ready yet, they should give that person time and space to cool off. They are reminded that the cooling off process may take a few minutes, or sometimes a few days!
· The third step is P = Point to the Problem. Both children involved in the conflict need to share their point of view (their side of the story). A key step here is for students to be good listeners so that they understand what the other person was thinking. This is a good time for students to use an I Feel message to share their feelings/point of view. So often they realize that a conflict resulted after a misunderstanding.
· Once the children have an understanding of the problem the 4th step is to brainstorm some Solutions = S. We encourage the children to come up with several win/win solutions so that each person gets some of what they want. Of course they are always encouraged to use the solution wheel. They learn that when they have several solutions/plans they can try one, and if it doesn't work then they can try the next solution.
Our hope is to assist children to become more independent problem solvers while at the same time recognizing when it is important to seek help from an adult. These concepts will be reinforced at school, on the playground, in class and at community meetings.
Here are some links to additional conflict resolution books, strategies, and activities for children:
Conflict Resolution book reviews
More strategies
Pinterest conflict resolution activities
Here are some links to additional conflict resolution books, strategies, and activities for children:
Conflict Resolution book reviews
More strategies
Pinterest conflict resolution activities
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Conflict Resolution: Part 1
Conflicts! They happen to everyone at one time or another. The trick is learning how to resolve them respectfully, peacefully and kindly. Currently in our 2nd grade classrooms, guidance has been teaching the students about conflicts and how to resolve them peacefully. Students have been learning various terminology and definitions: Conflicts (fights, disagreements or arguments); the Conflict Escalator; Compromising (win-win solutions) as well as learning about some tools that they can use to discuss conflicts without hurting another's feelings in the process. The tools that have been discussed thus far are "I-Feel" messages and using CAPS (to be explained in our next post).
An important concept that the students are taught is the Conflict Escalator. The Conflict Escalator illustrates that certain behaviors can cause a problem or conflict to get bigger and more difficult to resolve. In addition to discussing how the conflict escalates, students also discuss how their feelings escalate and move through the different Zones.
Students are taught that the Conflict Escalator is fluid in nature. Not everyone follows the "steps" in order. In fact, when on the Conflict Escalator, one can go from the bottom to the top, and not touch on any of the other behaviors depicted. Others can start at the bottom step, miss a "step" go back down and then jump to the top. When we teach this concept, we don't want or expect the students to memorize this chart. We just want them to be able to recognize that they, or someone else, is on the Escalator and then know what they can do to come down the escalator.
One of the first tools that students learn is how to use an "I-Feel" message. This is a statement that imparts a lot of important information. It lets someone know: 1) How they feel; 2) Why they feel that way (their point of view); and 3) Offers a solution to the problem or conflict. In teaching "I-Feel" messages, we show and practice with the class the "recipe" to create an I-Feel message:
Students are taught that the Conflict Escalator is fluid in nature. Not everyone follows the "steps" in order. In fact, when on the Conflict Escalator, one can go from the bottom to the top, and not touch on any of the other behaviors depicted. Others can start at the bottom step, miss a "step" go back down and then jump to the top. When we teach this concept, we don't want or expect the students to memorize this chart. We just want them to be able to recognize that they, or someone else, is on the Escalator and then know what they can do to come down the escalator.
One of the first tools that students learn is how to use an "I-Feel" message. This is a statement that imparts a lot of important information. It lets someone know: 1) How they feel; 2) Why they feel that way (their point of view); and 3) Offers a solution to the problem or conflict. In teaching "I-Feel" messages, we show and practice with the class the "recipe" to create an I-Feel message:
I feel _________when you ______________ because _______________.
Please _______________.
An example on how to use this message is as follows:
I feel sad when you say I can't play with you at recess because you promised to play with me today. Please play with me tomorrow.
These messages can be effective at resolving conflicts and allow the students to get their voices heard in a respectful manner. The hope is that when someone listens to an "I feel" message that they can then apologize for their actions and work towards a peaceful resolution.
In the next lessons, the children will learn further how their emotions are tied to the Escalator and how they can step off of it to resolve their problems using the CAPS method. Stay tuned to our next blog post for CAPS information!!
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