Overview of Nabnasset Guidance Services

Nabnasset School Guidance Overview
Counselors: Beth MacKinnon and Melissa Reynolds

The school counselors at Nabnasset School visit each kindergarten class frequently throughout the year. The students think of us as the “friendship teachers” who are available to help them in their relationships with others, with any problems they might have in getting along, and as a listener who can help them express their feelings. During the school year we will teach monthly lessons to the children about friendship, feelings, bullying prevention, self-regulation and using the Solution Wheel. In addition, we will form small friendship groups outside the class to assist the children who may need a little extra support socially and/or emotionally. When children are seen individually or in a small group on a regular basis it is always with the permission of a parent.

Grade 1, 2, Multi-age and Pre-First
For First Grade, Second Grade, Multi-age and Pre-first classes, we will visit each class many times during the school year in order to present our social skills curriculum and bullying prevention curriculum. The First Grade curriculum is titled “Being a Social Detective” and includes lessons on expected ways to be a good friend, dealing with teasing, using the Solution Wheel and an introduction to the C.A.P.S. problem-solving method. In Second Grade, students review the material from Grade One and we expand on the C.A.P.S. method of problem solving. Lesson topics include how to deal with and talk about feelings, “I feel” messages, conflict escalation and de-escalation, and peaceful resolutions. In addition, children are given self-regulation tools for recognizing and managing their feelings. Multi-age classes experience both curriculums during alternate years. Pre-first students experience a modified first grade curriculum. All lessons are interactive and enable students to practice and utilize the skills they learn.

We run small “friendship groups”, “lunch bunches” and "snack groups" in order to help children feel happier and be more productive at school. The focus of these groups may include improving behavior and self-control, increasing self-esteem, improving friendship and problem-solving skills, increasing self-regulation skills and adjusting to changes in the family (divorce/grief). Some groups may be time-limited (8 or 10 weeks) or they may continue throughout the year depending on their need. Always, children who regularly participate in small groups on a weekly basis do so with parental consent. Occasionally, our lunch bunch students are allowed to invite a friend as their “guest” to a lunch bunch or a snack group, which is quite a popular activity. Finally, we are always available to answer your questions, offer support and provide information.

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