Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mindset Matters!

Mindset Matters!

Does your child tend to get frustrated with mistakes and give up easily? Do you say that it’s important to learn from mistakes, but then not really have an explanation of why that is true?
Research has shown that students who believe and understand that they can improve their intelligence, truly growing and strengthening their brain from participating in challenging learning experiences and making mistakes, will do better in life. World-renowned Stanford University Psychologist Carol Dweck calls this a growth mindset. Below are 2 links that will bring you to some more information on her book and an informative Ted Talk Video.
1) Check out this website: You will be exploring information about what is a mindset, as well as articles and further information about Carol Dweck's book called Mindset.
2) TEDtalk video : Listen to Carol Dweck explain the power of a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. 
You might make some connections as to how you can apply this way of thinking to understanding your own child or to understanding yourself!

Mrs. Reynolds and myself are true believers in helping our students understand how they can help their  brains grow and develop. One book we use to teach them how the brain works, and how we can help our brains grow through making mistakes and trying challenging activities is called 
The Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak.

Some other wonderful books to read with your child are:

The Girl who never made mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein
What do you do with an idea? By Kobi Yamada

Read aloud on Youtube of What do you do with an idea?
The Dot by Peter Reynolds
Ish by Peter Reynolds

If you are interested in more books (with reviews) for your child, please check out this wonderful blog!

We also teach our students about phrases they can say to help them have a growth mindset when they make mistakes. Here are just a few ideas of this language.

Finally, here are some GREAT videos to watch with your child. This is a series of videos made for students to help them understand their brain, and how their brain grows stronger and learns more from making mistakes. Please watch with your child and discuss what you learn and discover about learning and a having a positive growth mindset!! 

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