We have been working on developing a visual tool that will help our students remember to pause when they are experiencing a strong emotion. If they can pause/stop, and use their mindful breathing to calm down, they will be able to take some space and think about what they can do. We encourage them to choose a kind and thoughtful response. If they have a strong feeling, but don't follow these steps, then they are more likely to just react quickly without thinking of others.
If you want to try to use this at home we suggest you practice first.
When you notice that your child is having a strong emotion, say:
"Red light". They should stop and take 3-5 mindful breaths. (If more than one child is involved in the problem, they should both follow this system so both can calm down).
Then have them practice "Yellow light" = think about their feelings.
Think about some choices to solve their problem. Think about what might happen with each choice.
Have them pick a choice and say "Green light = Go".
Once they understand the system, you can still use the phrase "Red light" to remind them to look at the visual and then proceed.
Below are 3 great Cosmic Kids Zen Den videos which review the importance of pausing and taking space before taking action:
Watch this Cosmic kids video called the Owl and the guard Dog - This video gives a great explanation of how the brain works and how breathing helps
us to take space to calm down first before we do something.
Listen for the “Magic 10” tool that is taught.
“Mine” cosmic kids zen den video - teaching kids to recognize their feelings, use zen den powers (breathing ) to think about what to do instead of react